How do you define success? Maybe it is completing that special project you’ve been working on for months, or getting that promotion that will give you more money, even just trying something new like cooking a meal that you’ve always wanted to tackle.
So, what is better than success?
We think satisfaction!
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary satisfaction is defined as: a happy or pleased feeling because of something that you did or something that happened to you.
When we first started doing shows in Southport, NC one of our most memorable customer stories was about a young lady that was 13 years old and had recently taken up the art of crocheting. As anyone that has had a 13-year-old it is extremely hard to buy for that age group. Her parents talked to us at length about their daughter’s passion and wanted to give her something that not only was practical but would encourage her to create and support her passion.
So, for Christmas the young lady received one of our crochet handles accompanied by hooks. It was important for the parents that the gift wouldn’t be a fad and end up in the closet with all of those toys that never got played with. The following year in the spring we had the opportunity to meet this young lady, she was grateful to her parents for supporting her passion and was appreciative of her gift. She continues to crochet and has made me some fingerless gloves for those winter outdoor events which I very much appreciate.
Another customer reached out to us telling us that his mother used to be an avid sewer. As she got older arthritis had settled into her hands and was not able to use her seam ripper because it did not fit her hand. She was getting frustrated and wanted to give up on her sewing projects because every time she needed to use her seam ripper it would end up on the floor due to her inability to grip it due to her arthritis.
He hated to see his mother frustrated and wanted to give her a little something that would help her. Paul and the son came up with a thicker body on the seam ripper so it would be easier for her to grip it, and hopefully get her back to sewing. They figured out the circumference of her grip, and Paul created a seam ripper that she could use for many years.
After she received the gift, she reached out to us and was grateful for taking the time to create this one-of-a-kind ripper. We are so pleased that she has been able to get back to sewing. Why do we do this? Because we love to be able to create a practical item to enhance someone’s passion!
A young man who has always had a passion for the military was heading off to the Military Academy in the fall of 2020. Years prior his parents were able to obtain some of the original teak wood that had come off the decking of the Battleship North Carolina. You can read all about this majestic vessel here.
His mother had commissioned us to come up with something meaningful and special for this momentous occasion, so Paul decided that a Gatsby pen would look great and being trimmed with chrome and gun metal would make it look stunning. We topped it off by engraving his name on it. How fitting that this young man’s dreams and a passion for the military would come to fruition through a pen!
Although success is great, we get so much more through satisfaction when we hear from our customers on how we have impacted their lives through our products!
What gives you satisfaction?
It doesn’t have to be all about the Benjamins!
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